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Archives for: December 2004, 03

Take the Brevard Biodiesel Survey!
(Helps us judge interest in BioDiesel in the Brevard County area - thanks!)


Permalink 02:42:39 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], News, 107 words   English (US)

Presentation and more information

The presentation regarding biodiesel last night drew a good crowd, probably due to the timely Florida Today article. If you didn't make
the meeting you can view the slides here.

If you'd like to get email notices and discuss the use of biodiesl in Brevard County we've setup a mail list for this purpose here.

It turns out the largest biodiesel production plant in the US is "right around the corner" in Lakeland FL.. If possible we'd like to arrange a tour of the plant for interested consumers like ourselves. If you're interested too, fire off an email to us or leave a comment on this message.

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