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Archives for: December 2004, 14

Take the Brevard Biodiesel Survey!
(Helps us judge interest in BioDiesel in the Brevard County area - thanks!)


Permalink 02:39:17 am, Categories: News, Background, 169 words   English (US)

"The diesel solution"

The Nov. 2004 issue of OEM Off-Highway (thanks Dad!) has an article titled "The diesel solution" by Dave Jensen. (The background DOE study is here.) While not mentioning biodiesel, it does note:

  • Diesel engines could decrease the fuel consumption of light-duty vehicles by more than a third without impacting performance.
  • Europe: 44% of passenger vehicles are diesel, in the U.S 0.2%
  • Today's diesel engines are 60% quieter and emit 90% fewer emissions than their 1988 counterparts.
  • Several studies have shown that today's diesel engines produce fewer toxic air contaminants, have lower NOx, methane, and CO2 emissions than those powered by compressed natural gas (CNG).
  • Hybrid (gas-electric) vehicles do not provide as much fuel economy gains as clean diesel technology.
  • If diesel-powered passenger vehicles were readily available they would quickly capture 38% of the market. This would reduce crude imports by 700,000 barrels / day which is 1/2 the energy used each day in California.
  • US light-duty market predictions: 4% in 2008, 7% in 2012.

Lots of food for thought when you consider the additional benefits afforded by adding biodiesel to the mix.

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