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Archives for: January 2005, 03

Take the Brevard Biodiesel Survey!
(Helps us judge interest in BioDiesel in the Brevard County area - thanks!)


Permalink 11:28:23 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], 124 words   English (US)

Odds & Ends

Here are some tidbits of note.

  1. We've added a new educational article on the different types of vegetable oil used to make BioDiesel. Check out the "cool" pictures. :)
  2. The US DOE has produced a *fantastic* 2004 updated version of their BioDiesel Handling and Use document. It is about 2MB in PDF format and available here.
  3. The National Biodiesel Board has some IRS memos online now regarding the Tax Incentive effective 1 January 2005.
  4. Maybe the Hydrogen economy is further away than some think? BioDiesel is here today!

That US DOE document is just super. For example, check out this graph extracted from page 32. It shows how the cold temperature variable "cloud point" varies as a function of biodiesel blend concentration for 7 different feedstocks including soy and canola.

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