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Archives for: August 2005, 07

NEW: Profiles of Florida Biodiesel Businesses:


Permalink 10:20:18 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], News, 134 words   English (US)

Retail biodiesel locations on Google Maps

I got the itch to program up a custom Google Maps display showing all the U.S. retail biodiesel locations. Using the location list from and after few days of figuring out how to parse the HTML down into an XML data file, it looks to be a useable map for seeing the locations.

see the Map

Each location is plotted with a marker corresponding to the location. The marker also indicates the highest blend (B100, B99, B50, B20, B2/B5) available at that site. Currently there are 489 locations in the data file. There are a few locations that are only accurate to the zipcode for plotting as their address did not resolve via the Tiger census data. 4 locations didn't even resolve via a zipcode and were hand corrected. Have fun looking :)

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