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Archives for: September 2005, 29

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Permalink 12:19:18 am, Categories: Background, 94 words   English (US)

B20 + NOx reduction additive testing in Texas

B20 with three different additives, including GTAT Viscon will be some of the fuels tested to meet the TxLED (Texas Low Emission Diesel fuel) in the next several months. The blended fuels + additives must be tested to meet TxLED low emission standards. The additives such as GTAT Viscon function to reduce NOx and other emissions and as such are of interest to biodiesel users.
Two other additives (DTBP - di-tert-butyl peroxide and EHN - ethyl-hexyl nitrate) are discussed in this NREL report (PDF) which is worth looking at for NOx reduction discussion and raw emission data.


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