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Archives for: October 2005, 13

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Permalink 04:47:43 pm, Categories: Background, 138 words   English (US)

VW Diesels take 4 of top 10 2006 mileage spots

The new 2006 mileage ratings from the EPA place Volkswagen diesel powered vehicles in 4 of the top 10 spots. No other manufacturer has more than 2 spots.
In 3rd:
Volkswagen New Beetle and Golf (diesel, manual) -- 37/44

In 4th:
Volkswagen Jetta (diesel) -- 36/41

In 6th:
Volkswagen New Beetle and Jetta(diesel, automatic) -- 35/42

In 7th:
Volkswagen Golf (diesel, automatic) -- 33/44

Here is the full 2006 Fuel Economy Guide.

The diesel section of the guide notes:
"Diesel-powered vehicles typically get 30-35% more miles per gallon than comparable vehicles powered by gasoline. Diesel engines are inherently more energy efficient, and diesel fuel contains 10% more energy per gallon than gasoline. In addition, new advances in diesel engine technology have improved performance, reduced engine noise and fuel odor, and decreased emissions of harmful air pollutants. New low-sulfur diesel fuels available beginning in 2006 will help reduce emissions from these vehicles even more."


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