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Archives for: November 2005, 22

NEW: Profiles of Florida Biodiesel Businesses:


Permalink 01:18:24 am, Categories: Announcements [A], News, 108 words   English (US)

Next group Biodiesel order in Brevard area...

If you are interested in getting in on a group biodiesel order for the Brevard County area in the next two weeks, Contact Us to let us know how much you would like.

Jim Robertson of BioFuels America is able to bring up to 900 gallons now. He would like a minimum order of 15 drums = 825 gallons. The cost will be around $3-$3.25/gallon This is soy based B95 (95% biodiesel) product. Delivery would be to your residence/business and coordinated with us for delivery on the same day.

Let me know how much you would take delivery of if interested
and I will see if we have enough for the order.


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