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Archives for: June 2006


Permalink 01:12:01 pm, Categories: News, 31 words   English (US)

Biodiesel in Florida - article at GreenerMiami

Brevard Biodiesel is happy to have contributed a multi-part article to the GreenerMiami blog. (Link to part 2.)
There are lots of wide-ranging posts at this site concerning green news in Florida.



Permalink 08:56:27 pm, Categories: Background, 102 words   English (US)

Melbourne, FL upgrades to one-bin recycling

As of 1 June 2006, the city of Melbourne Florida is using a more convenient "one-bin" system for their recyling program. Residents no longer are required to separate glass/cans/newspapers into different bins for pickup. Any of the bins can now be used for any of the recyclable materials. The allowable materials now includes everything previously accepted, such as aluminum and steel cans, newspapers, plastic bottles, glass and adds as

  • magazines
  • phone books
  • paper bags
  • envelopes
  • junk mail
  • catalogs
  • cereal boxes
  • milk and juice cartons

Note that corrugated cardboard still must be deposited in bins at various local pick-up points for recycling.

Permalink 03:30:09 pm, Categories: News, 51 words   English (US)

Would relative prices like this make a biodiesel avalance?

Here is a snapshot from a week or so ago showing Biodiesel for sale in Germany.
Biodiesel lowest price fuel in Germany.

Note that Biodiesel at that station is 20-25% cheaper than diesel and 30-45% cheaper than gasoline. The prices are in Euros per litre - 0.94 Euros per litre for biodiesel is about $4.50 per gallon.

Picture courtesy of Kyle Fricker.



Permalink 12:16:45 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], News, 60 words   English (US)

Brevard Biodiesel covered in Florida Today

Last week Maria Sonnenberg interviewed some of the local users of biodiesel for Florida Today. The article is up at the Florida Today website and also in the print edition today June 12th. We're glad to see more interest in biodiesel and hope the article helps raise awareness of biodiesel in this area. Thanks to Florida Today and Maria Sonnenberg!


Permalink 11:42:39 pm, Categories: News, Background, 112 words   English (US)

Hello ULSD, Goodbye Jeep Liberty CRD

June 1st marks the phasing in of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel (ULSD) due to EPA regulations. 80% of the diesel produced for highway use must now be ULSD compliant (15 ppm sulfur - down from 500 ppm). By October, retailers will also be required to carry ULSD.

ULSD will allow different emission control traps to be used on vehicles which will drastically improve pollution levels of diesel vehicles. This technology will benefit biodiesel users too.

Also in the news, Chrysler announced the end of the diesel Jeep Liberty in the United States - for now. They sold many more than they had anticipated, but need to retool exhaust systems to meet newer emission standards coming in 2007.


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