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Archives for: June 2007, 05

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Permalink 11:23:16 pm, Categories: News, 119 words   English (US)

Honda Accord - Hybrid Out, Diesel In

Honda has seen the light with regard to its hybrid Accord and is dropping that model for the upcoming year.

The 2007 Honda Accord hybrid model boasts a whopping 2 more MPG (combined) than the gasoline only model. Honda must have figured that consumers would go for the extra power the 6 cylinder hybrid model provided - but consumers didn't bite. Last month, only 1.4% of the Accords purchased were the hybrid type. Meanwhile, the hybrid Toyota Camry, which gets 10 more MPG than the gasoline mode, accounts for 15% of the model sold.

The good news for biodiesel users is the expected appearance of diesel models in Honda's line for 2009. Honda produced an award winning ad in the UK to promote their clean diesel technology:


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