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Archives for: January 2009, 30

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Local girls continue biofuel science fair achievements

Local 6th graders Maggi and Lilli Marshall have followed up on last years biofuel science fair projects with another set of first place entries. The 12-year-olds are 6th graders at West Melbourne Elementary School for Science. Both entries will now proceed to the Brevard County District Science Fair in April. The girls are daughters of Cammie and the late Chris Marshall - their work continues to honor his passion for biofuels.
Biodiesel Marine experiment
Lilli's project compared the effects of biodiesel, ethanol, and gasoline in a simulated marine spill environment. Her experiment ran for 22 days and measured pH and algae plant mass. Her abstract is available here.
Plant growth in biofuel spill environment
Maggi's project compared the fuel properties of various types of ethanol. Starting with denatured ethanol, she produced a usable fuel, and with the assistance of the Airmasters R/C club of Sebastian FL, flew RC airplanes on three types of fuel. Her abstract is available here.


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