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Archives for: May 2012, 14


Permalink 01:21:36 pm, Categories: News, 150 words   English (US)

10k gallon / day biodiesel production coming to Brevard?

Thor Renewable Energy, Inc is looking for tax abatements from Brevard County to help establish a corporate/R&D headquarters in Brevard County, Florida. Part of their plans include a commercial biodiesel production facility, employing 55 new engineering and plant operator personnel at an average wage of $48,838. The anticipated volume of the plant is 10,000 gallons of biodiesel per day - likely feedstock being biomass per this article at Florida Today. With the support of the Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast (EDC), it would be somewhat surprising if this application for abatement is not approved by the County Commissioners.

The process used is likely a product of work from UCF chemistry professor Richard Blair. Using a ball mill to grind up the feedstock, his process does not require sulfuric acid and has no hazardous byproducts. The match between UCF and Thor was made via the Space Coast Energy Symposium.


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